The Secret To Exponential Improvement

Hi friends!

I just finished watching the last season of the anime Food Wars!: Shokugeki no Soma - if you enjoy watching cooking shows and anime, I’d highly recommend this series, it’s really light hearted and entertaining.

Besides the interesting story plot and mouth-watering food (it really was, trust me), my main takeaway (haha!) was really, (the main character) Soma’s attitude towards the relentless improvement of his cooking. Spoiler alert, but he starts off as the underdog, but eventually rises to be the top chef at school.

What’s the secret? He separates his ego from his desire to become better.


Do you remember? When the seniors were about to graduate, Soma challenged them to countless food wars. He lost several times. When facing opponents who are stronger, people tend to put up a front or feel anxious. But this kid doesn’t seem to care about his pride getting hurt. He gives it his all in every single battle, like he never had anything to lose at all. He even always has a bright smile on his face.

If only we could face all of life’s trials with such an attitude!

When we are faced with a daunting situation: the typical person might be overcome with fear and doubt. Instead, Soma is usually filled with excitement and determination! Infact, the same attitude is the same in athletes who are just about to compete in any competition. Ask them how they are feeling, they will always reply with ‘I’m excited!’, you definitely don’t hear them say 'I’m nervous’.

This the reaction of someone who has placed the need to improve over their ego, above the fear of loss or rejection, and anything else that might stand in their way of being the best they could possibly be. Even if Soma loses a battle - he never dwells too long on a loss. Instead of sulking, he thinks about how he can leverage his failure to produce a future success.

I believe that this is an attitude and reaction that can be trained - and it’s one that I am going to cultivate. I’m going to give my best to all my endeavours, and leave my ego at the door. As I grow my channel and brand, I’m sure I will come across comments or feedback that I don’t agree with (and potentially may get hurt by), but I won’t take it personally and take it as constructive criticism. I’ll just continue learning, improving and refining my skills where I can!

Who knew we could learn so much from an anime character? :)

Till next week - and Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to each and everyone of you! 🎄



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