The Possibility Mindset ๐Ÿš€

Hi friends!

I've just completed the Part-Time Youtuber course that my favourite YouTuber Ali Abdaal ran for 4 weeks! I've learnt a ton of new things and made friends with bunch of folks from the community. Producing a YouTube video takes a lot of hardwork and effort (you'd be surprised), so it's nice to meet fellow YouTubers who understand what I'm going through. I'm approaching YouTube as a business opportunity, and am definitely enjoying the grind. I'm glad I finally started! So why only take the plunge now?

I kept telling myself: I'll start youtube soon. That was 2 years ago. Why? Besides battling Perfectionism Paralysis , I was also really doubtful of myself and of my 'competition'. 'The market is already so saturated, why would people watch my stuff? How is my content original? I'm never going to make it, competition is too tough.'

But this changed, when I shifted my perspective to having a possibility mindset, rather than a competition mindset. Instead of worrying about others and what they were doing, and how they were going to outdo me - I started to focus on myself, and on what unique value I could bring to the table.

When I look at YouTube, I now see a world of possibilities. I see the chance of being able to leverage this platform to reach and help people whom I may not ever meet with physically. I see a possible business where I could eventually earn passive income from. I see the possibility of opening doors to meeting new friends who share the same interest so that we can connect and grow together.

Embrace the possibility mindset. Take a stab at what you've always wanted to do. Keep at it, and don't refrain from doing something, just because the naysayers say you can't.

Don't wait. I waited for 2 years with the nagging feeling in my mind, and I wish that I started this earlier. You'll always be scared, but regret is a far worse emotion to have than fear.

If it doesn't work out- I guarantee that you'll still be able to get something out of the experience. It may not be the exact outcome you were looking for, but I guarantee it'll still be worth it.

โ€œShoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars" - Norman Vincent Peale

Till next week!



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