Wasted Experiences 🗑️♻️

Hi friends!

As I settle into my new job and juggle my side hustle, I've been reflecting through my life and career path so far. I keep wondering:

Am I really happy at where I am in life now? Could I be in a better place now if I didn't spend my youth 'wasting' time?


Career wise, I've moved so much horizontally, and prioritised growing my breath of knowledge, instead of doubling down and specialising in one domain area. Of course, this cost me promotions (and money 💸) as I kept changing roles.

The way I look at it is that the choices I made may have 'slowed me down', but my 'jack of all trades' experience actually landed me in my current work role now.

The result of my choices have also showed me what I DON'T like to do and provided me more direction in what I actually want to do in life.

Some questions I have constantly been asking myself over time:

  • What am I willing to 'suffer' for?

  • What feels fun?

  • Does the overall experience help me gain new skills that could be used to help me in my journey towards building an audience / financial freedom?

  • Does it make me feel happy?

The answer for everyone is different, but for me - content creation is the space that ticks all the boxes and makes me happy. Most of you don't know this, but I absolutely love playing sports, and one of my dreams was to be a national athlete representing Singapore (but sadly that dream has sailed ⛵ as I continue to age).

I haven't particularly felt the same way about anything else, until I started creating content. Don't get me wrong, content creation is TOUGH, and requires a ton of hard work and consistency, but I'm willing to 'suffer' through it! It hit me that day when I was creating a video that I was having so much fun, it really didn't feel like work at all.

So really, the answer to my question of ' could I be in a better place now' - is both yes and no.

Yes, because no matter what, when I look back - I obviously know what I could have done to have 'propel' my journey forward, and I would be much more 'successful' now.

However, no regrets because everything that has happened to me has led me to this very point in my life. I've changed my perspective to view each experience not as a 'waste', but rather - a learning experience, and a pointer in the right direction. So, think of it like a recycling bin ♻️ and re-use the experiences to your advantage!

Till next week!



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